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Orra Bag Apolafsis Black

sku: 267e8b3e9ec3

Original price was: 270.00 €.Current price is: 100.00 €.

Original price was: 270.00 €.Current price is: 100.00 €.

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The Orra Luxury Bags, a renowned Greek brand, presents their exclusive "Orra Luxury Bags Exclusive Collection" featuring a stunning Raffia Bag in a sophisticated shade of grey. Crafted with precision and style, this bag is a true testament to the brand's commitment to luxury and elegance. The main body of the bag is expertly handwoven from high-quality raffia material, giving it a distinct and natural texture that exudes a timeless charm. The black color provides versatility, making it a versatile accessory that can seamlessly complement a wide range of outfits and styles.

The Orra Luxury Bags, a renowned Greek brand, presents their exclusive "Orra Luxury Bags Exclusive Collection" featuring a stunning Raffia Bag in a sophisticated shade of grey. Crafted with precision and style, this bag is a true testament to the brand's commitment to luxury and elegance.

The main body of the bag is expertly handwoven from high-quality raffia material, giving it a distinct and natural texture that exudes a timeless charm. The muted black  color provides versatility, making it a versatile accessory that can seamlessly complement a wide range of outfits and styles.

Original price was: 270.00 €.Current price is: 100.00 €.

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